Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Introductory First Blog

  I've decided to to utilize a blog so I can share my experiences as I go on this adventure with my camera and the people I photograph. I will do some personal photo blogging as well. I have never felt like writing has been one of my strong points, so I hope to keep this simple and let most of my photos do the talking. I am learning and improving all the time and I'd like to point out that without the compliments and encouragement I've received from others, I probably would have never gone as far as I have. It's been very hard for me to "take in" that my work is wanted by others and especially hard to charge people money for something that I enjoy so much. On the other hand, it's a great compliment to know that people do in fact, want to pay me to take their photos! So, thank you! It means so much to me. I've been shooting a lot this spring. I love this time of the year. Here are some of my favorites.

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